1. Login to your account at https://live.oann.com see How to Login if you need assistance on the login process.

2. Once logged in to your account goto to your account profile page. If you need help on access your profile page click the link How to access your account Settings

3. From your profile page click the "Edit Password" Button

4. A password reset email will now be sent to the email on your OAN Live account. Click the "Reset OAN Live Password" in the email. Please note if you don't receive this email please check your Junk / Spam folders for this email.

5. After clicking the above link you are redirected to the password reset page. Enter your OAN Live account email, your new password, confirmation of the new password, and click the "Submit" button.

6. If successful you will be redirected to the login screen and can now sign back in with your new password.