1. Login to your account at https://live.oann.com see How to Login if you need assistance on the login process.

2. Once logged in to your account goto to your account profile page. If you need help on access your profile page click the link How to access your account Settings

3. Click the "Edit Email" button

4. Enter your accounts current email, your new email, confirm your new email, and click the "Submit" button.

5. You will now receive a confirmation email to your new email address with a link to confirm your new email. Click the link in the confirmation email or paste the URL into a browser of your choice to complete the confirmation process. Please note the process will not be completed until you confirm your new email. If you don't receive the email please make sure to check your Junk Email / Spam folders.

6. The above links will take you to the login in page where you can then login with your updated email address.